501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization


6/7/2016 to 9/4/2016
Getty Center in  Los Angeles
"Duen Huang Mo Gao Ku, Buddhist Art on the Silk Road"
The Center will display 43 pieces of authentic Buddhist art  in a full size duplicated Mo Gao Ku.  Ku means cave.
6/17/2016 to 9/18/2016
San Francisco Asian Art Museum
The museum will display authentic collections covering Song, Yuen, Ming Ching dynasties shipped from Taipei Palace Museum.
The best of the best art collections were shipped from mainland China to Taiwan in the late 1940's when Chiang Kai Shek lost the battle against Mao Ze Dong and ran to Taiwan.
Thousands of precious authentic art crafts, jade, paintings and calligraphy etc. have been stored in Taipei Palace Museum.
The museum can rotate the collection every quarter and will take years to completely display the collections.
Now, you don't need to fly to China or Taiwan to see the display.


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