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呼吁开通从Springlake小区到Davis/UC Davis的bus
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呼吁开通从Springlake小区到Davis/UC Davis的bus (5 replies)

如果大家有兴趣,可以提提建议, 一起将这件事在百忙之中给办了. 大家都会方便. 可以看到的好处是:

1) 去Davis上学上班的人有时可以坐Bus. 中学生放学了都可以搭公车回家.
2) 对增加房子value肯定有好处, 即使是以后出租房屋, 也会吸引更多的人.
3) 就算即不想坐公车, 也不在乎房子增值的同学们, 也不要放弃自己的权益, 因为大家已经交了税, 就应该让车开进来, 搞不好哪一天自己的车坏了, 也有个备份.
4) 如果去Sacramento的童鞋们要求开去那儿的公车, 也可以一起呼吁. 

Posted – 01/02/13 9:53pm by smilesue2005@yahoo.com, updated or replied 10/22/13 10:19pm

呼吁开通从Springlake小区到UC Davis的bus

I highly recommend everyone read the YoloBus's Short Range Transit Plan 2006 (http://www.yolobus.com/media/srtp/YCTDsrtpDRAFT0710-21Complete.pdf). The plan outlines the planned bus services in Woodland (including Springlake), and other cities in Yolo. It gives us an idea what the transportation professionals are thinking to address our transit needs based on growth and revenue. The following are what I glean from the report:

1. We probably will see local bus service coming into our neiborhood soon (Route 212/214) because construction for Pioneer Avenue from Farmers Center to Heritage Parkway is now complete. This will happen even under the Base Scenarion that assumes no increase in District's revenue, i.e., existing condition.

2. A new express bus to Sacramento will be added in the future under the Growth Scenario, for those who commute to Sacramento, this is good news. This will happen only if the housing market picks up, which I am not very optimistic about. So I don't think it is going to happen in the next five years.

3. Increasing service to UC Davis is listed as the future consideration section. My understanding is that they have thought about it, but it is not on top of the list. Of course, this could change if the demand in our neiborhood justifies to move it pass items 1 and 2.

Posted – 01/03/13 3:55pm by chenwsu@yahoo.com

The link provided is very helpful!  I heard about this plan several years ago when I moved to the Spring Lake, but I have never read it before.  Thanks!  I agree that the implementation of the Base Scenario (212/214 to Spring Lake area) is very possible and may happen in the new future, given the Pioneer Avenue/Heritage Project is complete.  This will help our property value as well!  However, the possibility of increasing services to Davis seems low at this time because the current Express Bus to Davis (242) does not even have enough passengers.     

Posted – 01/04/13 10:36am by jhueliu@gmail.com

I think the low ridership of 242 has something to do with its inconvenience for most of us.  If the bus could enter into heritage parkway,  then more people could rely on it.   Maybe we can start with this one.  Haha

Posted – 01/04/13 10:56am by smilesue2005@yahoo.com

Petition Letter - a draft, need suggestions - Revision 1

Please read the following petition letter.  Please let me know any suggestions.  Thanks for Bo's suggestions, I have revised the first draft.  If we feel comfortable, then we will put online to collect signitures.

Petition to add a Bus Stop in Springlake Comminity, Woodland

Springlake community in Woodland is one of the fastest growing areas in Yolo County. A large number of Springlake residents are affiliated with organizations and schools in Davis, including the Davis Joint Unified School District and UC Davis, and most of those residents commute between Springlake and Davis on a daily basis. However, none of the current Yolo Bus lines provides convenient service between Springlake community and Davis or UC Davis since all the stops are at quite a distance from the community.

As the Springlake community continues to grow, adding a bus stop in the communicty and increasing services to Davis/UC Davis will tremendously benefit the residents in the community and also increase ridership of Yolo Bus. 

We, the undersigned, request that Yolo Bus create a new bus stop at Heritage Parkway. 


Posted – 01/06/13 11:17pm by smilesue2005@yahoo.com

Anyone knows...

Anyone knows how many people(%) in Springlake community are affiliated with Davis organizations, schools or companies? It would be nice if we have some numbers.   Thanks.

Posted – 01/07/13 11:01pm by smilesue2005@yahoo.com

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