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美食 See all 11 Topics


本菜所需材料介绍: 五花肉 五花肉又称“三层肉”,位于猪的腹部,猪腹部脂肪组织很多,其中又夹带着肌肉组织,肥瘦间隔,故称“五花肉”。这部分的瘦肉也最嫩且最多汁。上选的五花肉,以靠近前腿的腹前部分层比例最是完美,脂肪与瘦肉交织,色泽粉红
Continued »
Posted – 06/12/13 11:36pm by smilesue2005@yahoo.com
食谱: 鸡腿/thigh (4 块)(可去皮) 1/3 - 1/2 杯 蒜蓉 1 tbsp + 1/2 tsp 盐  5-6 片姜片
Continued »
Posted – 05/27/13 12:00am by smilesue2005@yahoo.com
文学城 - 冬天,我喜欢用烤箱烤羊肉串。简单干净,很快就能吃上。方法如下:(不好意思,没有量化,今后争取改正)
Continued »
Posted – 03/16/13 12:03am by smilesue2005@yahoo.com


羡慕你的经历, 让我至少也过过眼瘾...

Trip 1
Posted – 12/05/12 4:53pm by dino@hotdoodle.com, updated or replied 12/21/12 12:03am
Trip 2
Posted – 12/05/12 4:55pm by dino@hotdoodle.com, updated or replied 12/21/12 12:03am




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